Molar Mass Practice Worksheet Answer Key

Welcome to the Molar Mass Practice Worksheet Answer Key, your ultimate resource for understanding and mastering molar mass calculations. This comprehensive guide provides clear explanations, step-by-step solutions, and interactive tools to help you excel in this fundamental chemistry concept.

Delving into the intricacies of molar mass, we will explore its importance in chemistry, delve into real-world applications, and empower you with the skills to solve complex molar mass problems with confidence. Get ready to unlock the secrets of molar mass and embark on a journey of scientific discovery!

1. Molar Mass Practice Worksheet: Molar Mass Practice Worksheet Answer Key

Pengertian Molar Mass

Molar mass adalah massa satu mol suatu zat. Ini adalah jumlah gram suatu zat yang sama dengan massa atom atau molekulnya dalam satuan gram per mol (g/mol). Molar mass penting dalam kimia karena memungkinkan kita menghitung jumlah partikel (atom, molekul, atau ion) dalam sampel suatu zat.

Cara Menghitung Molar Mass

Untuk menghitung molar mass suatu zat, kita perlu menjumlahkan massa atom dari semua atom penyusunnya. Massa atom dapat ditemukan pada tabel periodik.


  • Glukosa (C 6H 12O 6): 6(12 g/mol) + 12(1 g/mol) + 6(16 g/mol) = 180 g/mol
  • Natrium klorida (NaCl): 1(23 g/mol) + 1(35,5 g/mol) = 58,5 g/mol

Tabel Molar Mass

Zat Rumus Kimia Molar Mass (g/mol)
Air H2O 18,02
Karbon dioksida CO2 44,01
Asam klorida HCl 36,46
Metanol CH3OH 32,04
Glukosa C6H12O6 180,16

Common Queries

What is the molar mass of NaCl?

The molar mass of NaCl is 58.44 g/mol.

How do I calculate the molar mass of a compound?

To calculate the molar mass of a compound, add the atomic masses of all the atoms in the compound.

What are the units of molar mass?

The units of molar mass are grams per mole (g/mol).

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